Common Thread

We create spaces where nonprofits and mission-driven entrepreneurs can grow while meeting the needs of residents in historically underserved neighborhoods. Our community hubs support small businesses, educational entities, workforce development programs, and wellness providers in unique venues that are convenient and accessible.

Nick Crawford

Nick Crawford

Executive Director

Cultural Center Advisory Council

Community Leader, Titusville Youth Sports Board + Resident

Jeremy Allen

A4One & Development Director Cultural Center

Shayla Aguillard

Common Thread Board

Jeff Huey

Libby Lassiter

Fred Bolling

Bolling Law Firm President Titusville Youth Sports + Resident

Rebecca Denson

Founder Sachai Tea Company + Resident

Crystal Smitherman

District 6 City Councilor

Troy Whettstone

Founder/Owner The Modern House Coffee Company

Marcy Graben


Jeff Huey

Founder/Owner Seeds Coffee Company

Libby Lassiter

Board chair; Principle Tessa-Commercial Real Estate